United Kingdom-English (EN)

Indexable Miling Focus e-learning


Let’s introduce you to our Indexable Milling Tool Range!


Economical 90° Shoulder Milling Cutter STN10 & STN16 (English)

You will learn about our true 90° square shoulder milling range with numerous geometries.

Duration:   Approx. 30 minutes depending on individual learning speed.

After this course... 

  • You will know the advantages of the Pramet concept family tools
  • You will have a basic understanding of shoulder milling
  • You will know where and how to apply the STN 90° square shoulder milling cutter families best
  • And you will experience the cutter in action
  • If interested, you can do a brief check what you have learned at the end of the course

Take your time and join this e-learning!

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Versatile Square Shoulder Milling Cutter SAD 07/11/16 (English)

This course provides you with a brief introduction to our versatile square shoulder milling cutter SAD families.

Duration: Approx. 40 minutes depending on individual learning speed.

After this course... 

  • You will know the application area of our SAD square shoulder milling cutters, such as facing, shoulder-, plunge, ramping, trochoidal, helical- and slot milling
  • You will be familiar with the complete assortment from Dormer Pramet
  • You will know how to select the right geometry and grade
  • Last but not least, you will see the cutter in action
  • And, as always, you can do a brief check what you have learned at the end of the course

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High feed milling cutters SBN10 & SSN11 (English)

You will learn about our Indexable High-feed milling cutter families SBN10 & SSN11

Duration:   Approx. 30 minutes depending on individual learning speed.

After this course... 

  • You will understand where you will have additional benefits when using high-feed milling applications.
  • You will have a broader understanding about Pramet high-feed milling cutter families, how and where they can be best used.
  • You can experience the cutter in action.
  • If interested to check your understanding of our high feed milling products, do the quiz at the end of the course.

Take your time and join this e-learning!

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