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Cutting tool parameters according to ISO 13399

All cutting tools are defined by a number of parameters according to the standard ISO 13399. 

You can find below a complete list of both the cutting tool parameter and its definition.

What is ISO 13399?

ISO 13399 is an international cutting tool information standard. It provides dimenions and parameters in a neutral format that is independent of any particular system or company nomenclature. When cutting tools are clearly defined according to a global standard, all types of software can process the electronic data more quickly, improving the quality of communication and helping to make the exchange of information run smoothly.  

How will it benefit me?

By supporting a common language in our cutting tool descriptions will assist this system to system communication. It will save customers and partners a significant amount of time, providing an easier gathering of high-quality data across our 40,000 solid and indexable tools. By using a ISO13399 compliant system, there will be no need to manually interpret data from paper catalogues and key-enter it into your system.

ALP    Clearance angle axial​​ DN   ​ Neck diameter​   PSIRL   ​ Cutting edge angle major left hand​
ANN    Clearance angle minor​​ DSGN   ​ Design​   PSIRR   ​ Cutting edge angle major right hand​
APMX    Depth of cut maximum​​ D1   ​ Fixing hole diameter​   RADH   ​ Radial body height​
B    Shank width​​ FHA   ​ Flute helix angle​   RADW   ​ Radial body width​
BAWS    Body angle workpiece side​​ FLGT   ​ Flange thickness​   RE   ​ Corner radius​
BBD    Balanced by design​​ FTDZ   ​ For thread diameter size​   RETOLL   ​ Corner radius lower tolerance​
BBR    Balanced by rotational test​​ H    Shank height​​   RETOLU  ​ Corner radius upper tolerance​
BD    Body diameter​​ HF   ​ Functional height​   RPMX   ​ Rotational speed maximum​
BHTA    Body half taper angle​​ HRY   ​ Lowest point from reference plain​   S   ​ Insert thickness​
BS    Wiper edge length​​ HTB   ​ Body height​   SDL   ​ Step diameter length​
BSG    Basic standard group​​ HTH   ​ Height​   SIG   ​ Point angle​
CDX    Cutting depth maximum​​ IC   ​ Inscribed circle diameter​   SSC   ​ Insert seat size code​
CHW    Corner chamfer width​​ INSL   ​ Insert length​   SUBSTRATE  ​ Substrate​
CICT    Cutting item count​​ IZC   ​ Insert size code​   TCDC   ​ Tolerance class cutting diameter​
CND    Coolant entry diameter​​ KAPR   ​ Tool cutting edge angle​   TCDMM  ​ Shank diameter tolerance​
CNSC    Coolant entry style code​​ KCH   ​ Corner chamfer​   TCHA   ​ Achievable hole tolerance​
COATING  ​ Coating​ L   ​ Cutting edge length​   TCT   ​ Tolerance class tool​
CNT    Coolant entry thread size​​ LB   ​ Body length​   TCTR   ​ Thread tolerance class​
CP    Coolant pressure​​ LCF   ​ Length chip flute​   TD   ​ Thread diameter​
CRKS    Connection retention knob thread size​​ LE   ​ Cutting edge effective length​   TDZ   ​ Thread diameter size​
CTPT    Operation type​​ LF   ​ Functional length​   TFLA   ​ Tap floating length ahead​
CUTDIA   Work piece parting diameter maximum​​ LGR   ​ Regrind length​   TFLB   ​ Tap floating length behind​
CW    Cutting width​​ LH   ​ Head length​   THCHT   ​ Threading chamfer type​
CWTOLL   Cutting width lower tolerance​​ LPR   ​ Protruding length​   THFT   ​ Form type​
CWTOLU   Cutting width upper tolerance​​ LS   ​ Shank length​   THLGTH  ​ Thread length​
CXSC    Coolant exit style code​​ LSC   ​ Clamping length​   THUB   ​ Hub thickness​
CZC    Connection size code​​ LSCN   ​ Clamping length minimum​   TP   ​ Thread pitch​
CZC MS   Connection size code machine side​​ LSCX   ​ Clamping length maximum​   TPI   ​ Threads per inch​
CZC WS   Connection size code workpiece side​​ LSD   ​ Dead shank length​   TPIN   ​ Threads per inch minimum​
DAH    Diameter access hole​​ LU   ​ Usable length (max. recommended)​   TPIX   ​ Threads per inch maximum​
DAXIN    Axial groove inside diameter minimum​​ MHD   ​ Mounting hole distance​   TPN   ​ Thread pitch minimum​
DAXX    Axial groove outside diameter maximum​​ MIID   ​ Master insert identification​   TPX   ​ Maximum thread pitch​
DBC    Diameter bolt circle​​ MMCC   ​ Code for preset torque​   TQ   ​ Torque​
DC    Cutting diameter​​ NOF   ​ Flute count​   TSYC   ​ Tool style code​
DCB    Connection bore diameter​​ OAH   ​ Overall height​   ULDR   ​ Usable length diameter ratio​
DCBN    Connection bore diameter minimum​​ OAL    Overall length​​   WB   ​ Body width​
DCBX    Connection bore diameter maximum​​ OAW   ​ Overall width​   WF   ​ Functional width​
DCF    Cutting diameter face contact​​ OHN   ​ Overhang minimum​   WSC   ​ Clamping width​
DCON    Connection diameter​​ OHX   ​ Overhang maximum​   WT   ​ Weight of item​
DCSFMS   Contact surface diameter machine side​​ PHD   ​ Premachined hole diameter​   W1   ​ Insert width​
DCSFWS   Contact surface diameter workpiece side​​ PHDX   ​ Maximum premachined hole diameter​   ZEFF   ​ Face effective cutting edge count​
DCX   ​ Cutting diameter maximum PL   ​ Point length​   ZEFP   ​ Peripheral effective cutting edge count (ZEFP)​
DIX   ​ Tool changer interference diameter maximum​​ PRFRAD  ​ Profile radius​   ZWX   ​ Maximum number of Wiper inserts​
DMIN    Minimum bore diameter​​ PRSPC   ​ Profile specification​
DMM   ​ Shank diameter​ PSIR   ​ Tool lead angle​