België-Nederlands (NL)


The company Dormer Pramet s.r.o., IČO: 257 82 983, with registered office at Uničovská 905/2, 787 01 Šumperk (hereinafter also "Dormer Pramet") has implemented an internal reporting system in connection with the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Don't know what it is? From 01/08/2023, every company employing more than 250 employees must implement an internal notification system, which will allow employees and other persons listed in the law to report possible illegal actions at the Dormer Pramet workplace.
With this document, Dormer Pramet informs you:
• employees,
• agency employees,
• temporarily assigned persons,
• persons working on the basis of agreements on work outside the employment relationship,
• interns, job applicants,
• persons exercising rights associated with participation in Dormer Pramet as a legal entity,
• members of Dormer Pramet's bodies as legal entities, persons performing tasks within the scope of Dormer Pramet's activity as a legal entity in its interest, on its behalf or on its account,
about what actions can be reported, who handles the report, how to submit the report, or how the report is handled.
Dormer Pramet hereby expressly informs that it excludes receiving notices from:
• persons working at Dormer Pramet on the basis of a cooperation agreement as a self-employed person,
• suppliers, service providers, construction works or other similar services.

The Whistleblower Protection Act allows reporting at several different levels. If you witness actions that
• has signs of a criminal offense (e.g. at the workplace you witness theft, embezzlement, fraud, breach of duties in the management of someone else's property, bribery, damage and endangerment of the environment, breach of regulations on the rules of economic competition);
• has signs of committing a transfer, for which the legal regulation stipulates the rate of the fine, the upper limit of which is at least CZK 100,000;
• violates the Whistleblower Protection Act (for example, you witness a whistleblower being retaliated against);
• violates the laws or regulations of the European Union in the field of financial services, statutory audit and other verification services, financial products and financial markets (for example, you witness the falsification of financial statements during audits),
• violates legal regulations in the area of corporate income tax, prevention of legalization of proceeds from criminal activity and financing of terrorism, consumer protection, traffic safety, transport and traffic on roads, environmental protection, economic competition, public auctions and awarding of public contracts, protection internal order and security, life and health,
• violates legal regulations in the field of personal data protection, privacy and security of electronic communications networks and information systems, protection of the financial interests of the European Union or the functioning of the internal market, including the protection of economic competition and state aid under European Union law,
you may give notice of such conduct in the manner set forth below in this document.
It is very important that you do not have to be present when the action regarding the actions mentioned above is completed, it is enough if you suspect that such action is imminent and you have reasonable doubt that the consequence could occur in the future.
However, notices or parts of notices that may directly threaten the substantial security interest of the Czech Republic within the meaning of § 3 paragraph 3 letter a) of the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers, such as in particular the sovereignty, territorial integrity and democratic foundations of the Czech Republic, internal order and security, including critical infrastructure and information systems of public administration, lives and health of persons on a larger scale, protection of information on public contracts in the field of defense or security, unless the awarding of these contracts is regulated by a regulation of the European Union, the fulfillment of international obligations in the field of defense, significant security operations and the combat capability of the armed forces of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, other notifications listed in Section 3, paragraph 3 of the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers are excluded.

Your notification will be received by notification handlers, who are two at Dormer Pramet. Specifically, the solution to the announcement is Dormer Pramet's Personnel Director, Ms. Jana Kaufmanová, and Dormer Pramet's Financial Director, Ms. Jana Stryková. The notification can also be handled externally, specifically in accordance with the directive on handling notifications.
The Report Handler is bound by confidentiality and will protect your identity and the information you provide when you submit a report. However, if Dormer Pramet finds that the report is knowingly false, the protection does not apply to you, you may be fined under the Whistleblower Protection Act, and further action may be taken by Dormer Pramet (the protection under the Whistleblower Protection Act applies to you in such does not apply to the case).

You can submit a notification:
• Via e-mail at, which is also the e-mail address of the notice solver.
• By phone at 583 381 526.
• Orally at headquarters