![Drill and Tap Sets Drill and Tap Sets](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/Set-Squad-Landing-page-v.3.2-EN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTQzODAwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURSbEwyZ3lNQzg0T0RRd01UTTBNVFkwTlRFd0wxTmxkQ0JUY1hWaFpDQXRJRXhoYm1ScGJtY2djR0ZuWlNCMkxqTXVNaUJGVGk1cWNHY3w4Mzk4MjIwYmIxMzYwYjFkNTBkZTRhOGJmNTlmNTc0YTM3ZGYxMjg3OTE2NDhiY2RkM2Q1NWIwNjg1YjZmMzMx&attachment=true)
We offer a selection of drill sets featuring popular stub length and jobber length drills for general purpose drilling applications. These include a variety of contents including popular tapping size drills and are also available with corresponding taps.
HSS Stub Drill Set with A022 Drills, TiN-Tip Coated
A set containing different diameters of the A022 stub drill in a sturdy case, for a wide range of hole sizes covered with a single purchase. The drills are suitable for use both in machines and hand-held drilling in many applications. TiN-Tip coating improves performance and extends tool life.
Product codes: A088, A099 DrillboyXL
![A088200S - HSS Stub Drill Set with A022 Drills, TiN-Tip Coated A088200S - HSS Stub Drill Set with A022 Drills, TiN-Tip Coated](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A088200S-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTExNTkwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURCakwyZ3lNaTg0T0RNNE16TTNOelUzTWpFMEwwRXdPRGd5TURCVFgxTkZWQzFYUlZndWFuQm58MzlkM2Q4NDc5OWNmZDNlOWVhMDhmZGZmMjA1MjM1NGVlN2Q5YThkYzdmOTJlZDcxNWFhYzQzYTYxZjY5YjQwOQ&attachment=true)
HSS Jobber Drill Set with A002 Drills, TiN-Tip Coated
Different sets in metric or fractional sizes of our A002 drills in a useful plastic storage case. The set keeps all drills together, with sizes clearly displayed for easy selection. The drills are suitable for use in both machines and hand-held applications. TiN-Tip coating improves performance and extends tool life.
Product codes: A087, A089, A094, A095
![A087201 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A002 Drills, TiN-Tip Coated A087201 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A002 Drills, TiN-Tip Coated](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A087201-set1-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8OTQyOTl8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhR1ppTDJneFpTODRPRE00TXpNM09ESXlOelV3TDBFd09EY3lNREZmYzJWME1TMVhSVmd1YW5CbnxmMjE4MGNlNWI4MDc5ZmFlMGNlOGVhNmYyMGZlNDc5Yzk4Y2NkY2RkNTUxZmUxOWEzYTY4MGVjZjgzZDU1ZjZi&attachment=true)
HSS Jobber Drill Set with A100 Drills, Steam Tempered Finish
Drill set containing A100 jobber drills with conventional 118° point. Provided in metric or fractional size sets in a handy plastic case which makes selecting the required drill size very simple.
Product codes: A190, A191, A191_2
![A19012 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A100 Drills A19012 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A100 Drills](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A19012-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTE1NDcwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdKakwyZ3paQzg0T0RNNE16TTRORGM0TVRFd0wwRXhPVEF4TWw5VFJWUXRWMFZZTG1wd1p3fDAyOGEyNzg0NjEyMjc1MTlmZDYxZmU2MzYxZTQ4MzRmMzBmMTNhZmZmZDY5YjQ1YjIwODIyNTRlNGEwNmFhMWE&attachment=true)
HSS Jobber Drill Set with A108 Drills
A set of different fractional sizes of our A108 drills in a useful plastic storage case. Can be used in many different machine and hand-held applications.
Product code: A188
![A188204 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A108 Drills A188204 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A108 Drills](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A188204-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTEyNDIwfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdOa0wyZzBNQzg0T0RNNE16TTROVFF6TmpRMkwwRXhPRGd5TURSZlUwVlVMVmRGV0M1cWNHY3xiNGFmMzVlYTc3MzRhYWM3MzU4ZTBmMmYyMTZhNTU4NTlmZTU0ZjZkMmY3Y2JmYjg1NjU0YWRhMmFmMDdhNDUw&attachment=true)
Jobber Drill Set with A777 Drills, Bronze Surface Finish
A set of different fractional sizes of our A777 drills in a useful plastic storage case. The set keeps all of the drills together in order, with sizes clearly displayed for easy selection. The A777 drills are designed with a 135° split point to help self-center the drill and reduce the cutting forces.
Product code: A295
![A295219 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A100 Drills A295219 - HSS Jobber Drill Set with A100 Drills](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A295219-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTE4ODMzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURCbEwyZ3paQzg0T0RNNE16TTROREV5TlRjMEwwRXlPVFV5TVRsZlUwVlVMVmRGV0M1cWNHY3w5OTJjMjkxN2QwYTI5MjJmNmUyOTM1NDlkOWRjNzgxZjNhYjZkNWU1YmFmNjZlYjc3NWM4NGZhNjM5OGYxZTMx&attachment=true)
HSS Centre Drill Set
A set of five center drills which come in a handy plastic case to keep all your drills together. Recommended for starting a precise hole in the end of a shaft it can be securely held prior to machining. The two drilling ends gives increased productivity per tool.
Product code: A296
![A296200 - HSS Centre Drill Set A296200 - HSS Centre Drill Set](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A296200-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTExOTAzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURGbEwyaGtZeTg0T0RNNU16Z3dNVFF3TURZeUwwRXlPVFl5TURCZlUwVlVMVmRGV0M1cWNHY3w0YzZiZDNkNTFmMDZiNjBmNTFhMTFmY2YyZTRkOWMwMGU4MDkwNjU2NDFjMDE2MzJkOGFhMDFlNTJkNzM1ZjZm&attachment=true)
Sets of Countersink
Sets containing a variety of sizes of different 90° countersinks. There are 5 different sets filled either with G106, G136 or G560 available. Suitable for many materials.
Product code: G236
![G2361 - Set of Countersinks G2361 - Set of Countersinks](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/G2361-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8ODkwNTh8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhREZqTDJoa1ppODRPRE01TXpnd01qQTFOVGs0TDBjeU16WXhYMU5GVkMxWFJWZ3VhbkJufDRlMTA1NTkxNjU4MGQzMzA3ZGIwMzU2NDEyNGMxODViMTQyMGMxYzk0OTBjYjY2MzY3NTMyOWI1Zjk0ZTk3YjI&attachment=true)
Duo Pack
DuoPack containing a straight flute hand/machine tap according to ISO/DIN standard with corresponding A002 drill. Suitable for hand and machine tapping. The convenient packaging ensures the right drill size to make a perfect thread.
Product codes: L000, L001, L002
![L001-L003 Duo Packs L001-L003 Duo Packs](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/L00X-SETS-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTE2ODMxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdSa0wyaGtaaTg0T0RNNU16Z3dNamN4TVRNMEwwd3dNRmhmVTBWVVV5MVhSVmd1YW5Cbnw2ZWEzODdlNTIwY2Y2M2E4MmNjZDA4MDdlYmYxYzk5M2UzZDVlMjE3Yzg0ZWZkZWNiNWEwNTNiMzI4NGJjOTZm&attachment=true)
Combi Taps Set
Metal cassette containing six drill-taps to produce threads in one pass. This significantly reduces the time needed to produce the thread on site with the use of a hand-held power tool. There is no need for a tap wrench or tool change. Steam tempered surface acts to retain the lubricant and provide smoother cutting
Product code: L126
![L126650 - Combi Taps Set L126650 - Combi Taps Set](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/L126650-SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8ODcxMzB8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhRFpoTDJobFpDODRPRE01TXpnd05qWTBNelV3TDB3eE1qWTJOVEJmVTBWVUxWZEZXQzVxY0djfDM4MjU4YzE1NGI0ZGI5MTVjNTJmNTI1YTI2MWE2ZjZlZTQyZmY4Njk2Y2RiNDFjNTBkNzIwZjljMjYxZTc1ZjU&attachment=true)
HSS-E Jobber Drill Set with DIN 338/PFX Drills
125/170 pieces of DIN338/PFX drills in a useful plastic storage case containing a range of 1.0 mm to 10.0 mm diameters of drills of A002/A100/A108/147/A777/A900 family. The set keeps all drills together, clearly displayed for easy selection, user friendly, with additional safety lock to prevent accidental opening.
Product code: A085 (on request)
![A085 - HSS-E Jobber Drill Set A085 - HSS-E Jobber Drill Set](https://api.dormerpramet.com/medias/A085-A002SET-WEX.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfHJvb3R8MTY2NjM0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURZNEwyaG1NQzg0T0RNNU16Z3dOekk1T0RnMkwwRXdPRFZmUVRBd01sTkZWQzFYUlZndWFuQm58ZmZhM2I4ZTc0ODRlZmFmMzBlYjc0YjI2OWVmY2FmNjNiYjY4ZGRkOWI0MWNiZDUxNjQ3Zjk1NjQ2MDZmZmU1Yw&attachment=true)