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Miranda – New Look, Reliable Performance

The Miranda brand has been synonymous with a wide range of high speed steel cutting tools in India for over 75 years. At the end of 2020, Miranda became part of Dormer Pramet, the world's leading manufacturer of cutting tools. The acquisition is a positive boost for the brand, which continues to be fully available in the Indian market.

As part of the integration process, a new Miranda logo was introduced in June 2023. It includes a unifying Chip symbol that is used for all product brands operated by Dormer Pramet.

Customers and distributors can also see the new Miranda product packaging. It carries the new Miranda logo, but also many other changes such as a new label with consistent product information or a new Quadropack (plastic box) used for all Miranda products (where applicable).


Please note that for the remainder of 2023, product supply may be a mix of old and new packaging.

"Integrating Miranda into the family of various product brands is a great fit for Dormer Pramet, but also for Indian customers who will benefit from a stronger Miranda, but also from a broader offering that includes not only HSS but also solid carbide and indexable products. Contact our sales team for more information on our full product offering", Sharad Kulkarni, Director of Sales Area Asia.


Miranda offer

Miranda products are manufactured to tight tolerances and to international standards (ISO and DIN). The range covers jobber, stub, long and extra-long series drills, solid carbide drills and sets.

We also have an assortment of HSS taps and high-performance Edge platinum cut taps. In milling, the Miranda offer includes solid carbide end mills, two-flute end mills, multi-flute center cutting ends mills and roughing end mills, as well as a varied assortment of hand and chucking reamers, from parallel shank to taper shank.

For more detailed information on all Miranda products, please refer to the downloadable materials below.


Investments for the future

Significant investments in R&D, production and sales are currently underway to give the Miranda brand and its customers a new impulse for further growth.

Miranda products continue to be manufactured locally at the Ankleshwar manufacturing unit (Gujarat, India). Recent investments have included new CNC machines and furnaces, which have resulted in higher quality and accuracy of M3 - M12 taps.

Robotic technology was introduced for the first time in the Ankleshwar production unit.

Dormer Pramet continues to develop plans for further expansion of the Ankleshwar plant to strengthen the position of Miranda and its products in the Indian market.


Simply Reliable

By becoming part of Dormer Pramet family, Miranda has taken over the promise to be and act in line with the Simply Reliable promise.

Find out more about our company and our philosophy in the About us page.

If you are interested in working for Dormer Pramet and contribute to future of Miranda brand, you can visit our Career page.


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Please note: All Miranda product items are not currently available to buy from our eShop. These items will be added soon.

For further details about our Miranda branded assortment, please contact a member of our sales team.