HSS-E-PM Shark Line Application Taps, DIN Standard
Dormer’s Shark-Line range of material specific taps offer increased performance and accuracy over standard HSS taps. Manufactured from powder metallurgy cobalt steel (HSS-E-PM), each tap features a coloured ring denoting recommendation for use on specific materials.
White Ring Taps for Cast Iron
- Straight flute design for threading of through and blind holes in short chipping materials
- Available with steam tempered or TiAlN surface finish
- Powder metallurgy steel construction for excellent productivity and tool life
- Thread forms available: M
- Product codes: E201, E252 & E390

Blue Ring Taps for Stainless Steel

Red Ring Taps for Alloy Steel
- Spiral point and spiral flute (45°) options
- Choice of bright or TiAlN-Top surface finish
- Spiral flute options feature special flute geometry which prevents nest formation of swarf, reducing risk of re-cutting on reversal
- Thread forms available: M
- Product codes: E255, E256, E260, E261

Yellow Ring Taps for Low Alloy Steel

Green Ring Taps for Non Ferrous Materials
• Lastua työntävät ja lastua nostavat (35°) vaihtoehdot
• Saatavana kirkkaina, tai Super B (TiAlN + WC/C) pinnoitettuna, jolla saavutetaan erittäin hyvä suorituskyky seostetuissa alumiineissa, messingissä ja kuparissa
• Lastua nostavissa tapeissa on erityinen lastu-urien muotoilu, joka estää lastujen kasautumisen ja paluuliikkeessä usein tapahtuvan uudelleen lastuamisen
• Kierrevalikoima: M
• Tuotekoodit: E471, E472, E473, E474

Black Ring Taps for High Strength Steels
- Spiral point (E334) and spiral flute (E335) for good chip control and edge strength
- Taps provide high performance and process security in hardened and tempered materials below 45 HRC
- Robust geometry which significantly increases cutting edge strength and supports problem-free, high quality thread production
- Thread forms available: M
- Product codes: E334, E335