Size (ascending)
HSK-A-WWeldon End Mill Holders
ER-CER Collets for Cylindrical Shank
69871-WDIN 69871 - Side lock - Weldon
69871-CCM-ERDIN 69871 Mini Collet Chuck - ER
MORSE-RED-MTReductions for Morse Taper
S-WScrew for End Mill Holder Weldon
TWTaper Wiper
B69871-QTCCDIN 69871 Quick-Change Tapping Chuck With Compensation
B69871-QTDIN 69871 Dual contact - Synchro tapping chuck with compensation
69871-QTDIN 69871 - Synchro tapping chuck with compensation
69871-QTDIN 69871 - Synchro tapping chuck with compensation
69871-EMHAXXDIN 69871 - Antivibratory shell mill holders
69871-EMHADIN 69871 - Antivibratory shell mill holders
69871-EMHAXXDIN 69871 - Antivibratory shell mill holders
69871-EMHADIN 69871 - Antivibratory shell mill holders
B69871-SCDIN 69871 Shrink Fit Holder
B69871-CC-HKSDIN 69871 Dual contact - Collet chuck HKS
69871-SC-SDIN 69871 Shrink Fit Holder
69871-IHA-ADIN 69871 - Antivibratory screw-on type milling cutters
B69871-FMH1DIN 69871 Dual contact - Shell mill holder with driving slot (B type)
B69871-IHADIN 69871 Holder for Milling Cutters With Threaded Shank (Exchangeable Head)
69871-IHA-ADIN 69871 - Antivibratory screw-on type milling cutters
B69871-CC-ERDIN 69871 Dual contact - Collet chuck ER
69871-WDBoring Holders for Drills with Indexable Inserts
MORSE-EXT-MTMorse Taper Extensions
MORSE-EXT-MTMorse Taper Extensions
MORSE-EXT-MTMorse Taper Extensions
BMT65-AHBMT 65 - Axial Drilling and Milling Head for External Cooling
MORSE-RED-MTReductions for Morse Taper
BMT65-RHBMT 65 - Radial Drilling and Milling Head for External Cooling
BMT65-E2BMT 65 - Cylindrical Shank Receptacle
BMT65-ARBMT 65 - Toolholder for parting-Off blades
BMT65-D2BMT 65 - Toolholder with Square - Multi Receptacle
BMT65-DBMT 65 - Toolholder with Square - Multi Receptacle
BMT65-B2BMT 65 - Toolholder with Square - Multi Receptacle
BMT65-BBMT 65 - Toolholder with Square
69871-RED-CDIN 69871 - Reductions for PSC
69871-RED-CDIN 69871 - Reductions for PSC
B69871-HCDIN 69871 Hydraulic Chuck
B69871-BLANKSDIN 69871 Dual contact - Blanks for custom toolling
69871-RED-CDIN 69871 - Reductions for PSC
B69871-MTDIN 69871 Holder for Morse Taper
B69871-FMH2DIN 69871 Dual contact - Combi shell mill holder
B69871-DCDIN 69871 Precision Drill Chuck
B69871-W-CDIN 69871 Dual contact - Weldon with coolant channels
B69871-WDIN 69871 - Side lock - Weldon
MORSE-EXT-MTMorse Taper Extensions
MORSE-EXT-MTMorse Taper Extensions