Inclusion in Action: Finding Inspiration at Dormer Pramet | Episode 2

Tomas Jansa, Industrial Engineer
“I have two women in my life who inspire me. The first is my wife, who has given me the two most beautiful gifts of my life—my two sons. It's incredible to see how she nurtures their development and her dedication to their growth. The second is my mom. I didn't have an easy childhood; I never knew my dad. She took care of me and made sacrifices so that I could live my life.”
Melissa Almeida, Senior EHS Engineer
“Michelle Obama. She is a very strong woman and also a mother who has led important programs advocating for health, families, higher education, and international adolescent girls' education. She is an authentic person who has built a successful career as a lawyer and a great family too, all while maintaining balance.”
Filippo Mauri, Italy Sales Manager
“There are many female examples in history. What I really admire are female doctors. Being a doctor itself is a very challenging job, with studies and career paths being extremely long. It's not easy, and availability is also required. It's a risky job, especially as we have seen in the last few years during the pandemic. For a woman to be a doctor, it means she needs to be available for both mankind and her family, balancing the two things. It's really inspiring for me when we have such strong characters that support the community and can also support family and private life, achieving a good balance.”
Tayse Pallaoro, Manager, Digital and Product Marketing
“There are many female figures who inspire me. Simone de Beauvoir in philosophy, Frida Kahlo in Arts, Marie Curie in Science. But I want to give an example of my home country, Brazil.
Luiza Trajano is perhaps the most powerful businesswoman in Brazil, and stands out in a business culture that still have a long way to go when it comes to gender equality.
She transformed a family business of a single retail store into one of the biggest retail chains in the country. I get inspired by her because she is not only a successful entrepreneur, she is someone who uses her power and influence to promote women’s empowerment. She founded an organization called “Women of Brazil” which today is present in 15 countries.”
Brook He, Product & Application Manager Asia
“I am most inspired by the image of women who are confident, resilient, ambitious, and courageous. They do not back down in the face of difficulties but are determined to meet challenges, showing confidence and courage. They are not satisfied with the status quo but are brave enough to pursue a brighter life and higher goals. They are not afraid of challenges and changes but are willing to try new things and accept new challenges.”
Willem Wittebol, Product Owner - HSS RT
“I am an amateur musician, so I draw inspiration from my hobby as well. There is one particular woman in musical history who is an inspiration, and that is Antonia Brico. She was the first female conductor to ever conduct the Berlin Symphonic and the New York Philharmonic in the last century. She was Dutch-American, and she had to work in an environment predominantly dominated by males. It was acceptable for women to participate in music if they could play an instrument or compose music, but aspiring for prominent positions like a conductor was a different matter. At one point, she was invited to conduct an orchestra, and the all-male cast stood up and walked away. Sadly, she never obtained the position of chief conductor for any major orchestra, not due to lack of talent or competence, but simply because women were not allowed to hold such positions at that time. The role of a conductor is to tie all the different elements of an orchestra together and balance them out in the correct way, bringing the music to greatness. This role is not limited to males only. She inspired me by persisting in her beliefs and thoughts. She stood up and didn't give in. She was talented and could have lived without being a conductor, but she went further with it. In my personal life, there have been points where I faced roadblocks, but when I think of myself struggling, I remember Antonia facing the challenges of the 1930s.”
Jana Pekna, Marketing Professional Europe
“My friend, Jana, is a girl who turned her childhood dream into reality. She has always loved confectionery, working with it, producing it, especially working with chocolates. She started out making her own chocolate pralines with a couple of employees, and today she employs dozens of people, supporting employment in our region. Her talent and hard work have brought her many awards, and sweet lovers from all corners of our region come to taste her delicious products. Her portfolio is now very extensive, and that's what's great about her story. What is most inspiring about Jana is the fact that despite her success, she remains down to earth and always strives to help others and support the region in which she lives.”
Jeovanna Guzman, Sales Operations Manager Americas
“There have been many great women who have inspired me, starting with my mother. She taught my siblings and me never to take anything for granted. One of the lessons she always emphasized is that when we are presented with a new challenge or opportunity, everyone starts from zero at one point or another, and it's what they do to progress from zero that's important. It's not about being at zero but about how you challenge yourself, motivate yourself, and move forward from there. I have four boys, and I try my best to teach them the same lessons whenever they are concerned about a new challenge—everyone starts from zero. It's what you do at that point and how you move forward.
During my many years with the Sandvik organization, I've had many great mentors—women who taught me by example to ensure my team feels included and appreciated. Women who understood the importance of work-life balance, and I try my best to adopt those attributes in the way I manage my team and present myself to others.”
Lubomir Jendrol, Export Sales Manager Central-Eastern Europe
“There are numerous women who have inspired me by achieving remarkable success in male-dominated fields. To name a few, Maria Theresa, the Austrian Empress, implemented significant reforms and protected her empire while advocating for freedom. Her contributions were immense, shaping the course of history. Marie Curie Sklodowska, a French-Polish scientist, made groundbreaking advancements in radiology, earning two Nobel Prizes and leaving a profound impact on the world. More recently, the story of Namrita Chandi, an Indian military pilot, has deeply inspired me. Her exemplary skills and dedication exemplify excellence in her field, breaking barriers and setting new standards.”
Tomy Salahudin, Application Specialist
“It might sound a bit cliché, but my mother is the woman who has inspired me the most. She's not just a role model; she's also my best friend. My mother is a single mother who raised me by herself, and she found a balance that has profoundly changed the way I view women in life. I have witnessed her navigate through tough times, particularly during the economic challenges in Indonesia in the 2000s. Despite facing adversity, she always showed incredible tenacity. She never revealed any signs of weakness or complained, always putting on a happy front for her children, even though I knew she was under immense pressure from work and personal challenges. Her strength has become a guiding force for me throughout my life. It influences me to face whatever happens in life, whether it's in work or within the family, with a positive attitude and to always strive to bring happiness not only to my family but also to my coworkers and friends. My mum is both highly successful in her career and a dedicated mother.”
Nidhi Desai, HR Professional
“My mother gives me the wings to fly. She is a powerful force in my life. I learned multitasking from her. She is a homemaker, healthcare provider, my teacher, activity coordinator, financial planner, emotional nurturer, relationship coach, and spiritual guide. In fact, she is the brains of my family.”
Miriam Lagerwaard, Customer Service Manager
“It's our Business Area President, Nadine Crauwels. In a recent meeting, she shared with us the challenges of navigating a predominantly male-dominated environment at the top of an organization. I admire her resilience as a remarkable leader. Nadine inspires me to embrace unique perspectives even in settings where our diverse backgrounds may set us apart.”
Dormer Pramet recognizes the importance of fostering a culture of inspiration. By celebrating the achievements of inspiring figures, we create a more positive and motivating work environment for all employees.
If you haven't had the chance to watch our video series yet, catch up now!
Link to teaser video: Inspiring Inclusion with Dormer Pramet | Opening (
Link to episode 1 : Dormer Pramet Celebrates International Women's Day: Hear Inspiring Stories from Our Team | Episode 1
Stay tuned for the final episode of our series, set to be released on March 22, where we'll continue the discussion focusing on inclusive aspirations.